Lancaster Independent School for Alternative Learning

School Management

School Management

Lancaster Independent School for Alternative Learning (formerly Lancaster Steiner School) is a charitable company limited by guarantee. It is governed by the Board of Trustees. The Trustees work closely with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) to enable delivery of a high quality education to the pupils of our school in a manner that meets the Independent School Standards and other relevant legislation and is aligned to the pedagogical approach of Steiner Waldorf education.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the effective governance of the school. They are accountable to external regulatory bodies such as the Charity Commission, Companies House and Ofsted.

One key role of the Board of Trustees is to develop the vision and strategic direction of our school in close co-operation with staff and parents / guardians of pupils. The Trustees also maintain an overview of the school’s activities and oversee areas such as safeguarding, quality of education, finance, legal compliance and employment.

Trustees are elected by and accountable to the membership of the charity. Membership of the charity is open to all parents and guardians of our current pupils. Membership is also open to others who fulfill basic criteria, including ex-parents and those with an interest in Steiner Waldorf education. If you are interested in becoming a member please fill in the membership form, which is available from the school office.

Our Trustees

Please find below an overview of trustee responsibilities. Click here for detailed trustee profiles and contact details.

Gabriella Cani & Dave Barton (Finance, Management & Premises Committee – FinCo)

Shabnam Cadwallender (Leadership, Curriculum & Standards Committee – EdCo)

Maialen Galarraga Gallastegui & Dave Barton (Safeguarding & Health and Safety Committee – SafeCo)

Shabnam Cadwallender (Inclusion & Diversity Committee – DivCo)

Gabriella Cani (Appointment, Appraisal & Performance Committee – HRCo)

School Manager

The School Manager is Ola Mustapha, who is responsible for the financial and administrative management of the school and works closely with the Treasurer and the Trustees.

Senior Governance Team

The Senior Governance Team (SGT) is made up of the Trustees and SLT who meet on a termly basis. The SGT receives reports from various committees, sub-committees and other groups and takes timely decisions on areas including finances, recruitment and approval of policies to comply with our legal obligations. This enables clear lines of communication and accountability between trustees and senior staff. The SGT also holds meetings as necessary to discuss and agree the strategic direction of the school.

If you would like something raised at an SGT meeting please send an email to the Chair of Trustees:

Senior Leadership Team

The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) is made up of the School Manager/ Bursar, SENDCO/ Upper Primary Education Lead and Lower Primary Education Lead who manage the school and are responsible for teaching, learning and welfare of staff and pupils.

College of Teachers

The College is responsible for educational policy development and implementation within the school. All class teachers form the College and meet together on a weekly basis. They are also joined by the School Manager when necessary. College is responsible for all areas relating to learning and teaching at the school but also takes an active role in other areas (e.g. admissions) and in the implementation of key policies and procedures approved by the Senior Governance Team (e.g. safeguarding).

Delegated Committees and Groups

Much of the day to day management of the school is delegated to various committees, sub-committees and groups. These are composed of designated trustee(s), appropriate members of staff and in some cases parent volunteers. All of these report back to the Senior Governance Team on a defined cycle via their monthly meeting or at shorter notice as needed.