Wrap Around Care
Our Wrap Around Care provides your child with the opportunity to rest and play with their friends in a warm and friendly environment. Some of our activities include drawing, puzzles, sewing and craft and playing with the large collection of toys. We have a great home corner, lovely story books and also access to our garden for outdoor play which we aim to offer most days.
Transition Class
Transition Class runs from 9 – 1pm, thereafter children are welcome to stay for Afternoon sessions from 1pm – 3.15pm, cost per session £14.
We also offer a Breakfast Club in the mornings from 8.30am – 9am – subject to availability.
Lower School
All Lower School children are welcome to join our Breakfast Club in the mornings from 8.30am – 9am and our Afternoon Club on Tue, Wed and Thurs from 3.15 – 4.30pm – subject to availability.
Please contact our school office to discuss your requirements.
Email: enquiries@lisal.school
Tel: 01524 381876