Lancaster Independent School for Alternative Learning

Admissions Guide

Admission to Lancaster Steiner School – Guide for Families

As an independent Steiner School our admissions process is a little different from a mainstream primary school. Below you will find a guide to the process, which applies to applications to our Lower School.

First Enquiry – You can contact us by phoning the School Office on 01524 381876 or email us at or by dropping by in person during school hours. To register your interest, we will require you to complete an enquiry form.

School Tour – We hold tours of our school by appointment only. These are usually held on Fridays at 1.30pm and you are welcome to bring your child. Booking ahead is essential as we are a small school.

During the tour, you will have the opportunity to speak with the class teacher (and our Special Educational Needs Coordinator if required).

Please see the school website our Facebook page for upcoming events and further information.

Trial Day – After the tour, the next step is for us to arrange a trial day for your child to experience our school first hand. If necessary a further educational interview with your child’s teacher or SENDCo will be arranged.

Joining our School – If you would like your child to join our school, your family’s application will go to the weekly College of Teachers’ meeting.

Following their decision, you will be contacted to confirm whether your child has been offered a place; this should happen within 2 weeks.

If your application is successful we will send you a welcome letter, detailing the start date and additional information to help your child to prepare for joining the school, along with the Admissions Forms. The Finance team will contact you regarding the Fee Agreement; financial interviews can be arranged upon request.

Please see the link to our Parent Handbook for more useful information.

On receipt of the forms, we will begin the enrolment process.

Please note – as the whole admissions process can take up to 4 weeks, it is advised to apply at the beginning of term BEFORE the one in which you would like your child to start.